Want the sleek, groomed look you see on models and film stars? Start at your eyebrows, say the experts. We presents three options for brow perfection.


By threading expert Sarah Love

WHAT A twist of cotton is run across the skin, which catches the hair and twists it out taking the sheath and hair root with it.

THE PERFECT EYEBROW Split the eyebrow into three sections – the start, mid (arch) and end. The start should be in line vertically with the widest part of your nose. The arch is slightly trickier; follow the line that you see at the top of the eyebrow and you should avoid the surprised look. Taper the end out and imagine there is a straight line vertical from the outer corner of the eye, then roughly measure a 20 degree angle and finish there.

It’s better to keep brows longer than shorter so overestimate a little, it can always be taken away. There is no set eyebrow shape as each face is unique. But remember, if your brow bone is not that high, your arch is likely to be the same so don’t be tempted to turn the lower shape of your eyebrow into a semicircle. Stick to your natural shape as it will be the best shape for your face.

ADVANTAGES Less pain and redness compared to waxing, and it’s ideal for sensitive skin or those prone to ingrown hairs. The result is neat because there is greater control over the hair you want to remove and you can achieve the perfect shape for your eyebrow. As we get older, our skin thins and waxing can result in tearing of the skin. With a skilled hand threading can be performed successfully on thin skin.

DISADVANTAGES Hygiene is important, as removing hair leaves the pores open for a few hours and if there is dirt or make-up debris it can cause small pimples, but these will clear.

£££ From £12 for a brow tidy, £15 for a brow reshape.

To make an appointment with Sarah in Brighton, visit or call 07771 502 340.


By semi-permanent make-up specialist Karen Betts

WHAT Semi-permanent makeup is subtle cosmetic tattooing which lasts for around two years. For the same reason, it also means you should choose your permanent make-up artist very carefully.

BEST FOR Sportspeople, people who have difficulty applying make-up or are allergic to cosmetics, and people who are living with hair loss, cancer, vitiligo and scarring – or anyone who would like to look fresh without make-up.

HOW Before applying any permanent make-up we measure the facial proportions to get accurate measurements to help us achieve the perfect proportions for you. Next, we’ll do a dummy run together using conventional cosmetics so you can visualise the end result of your permanent make-up treatment.

Pigments are custom-blended to match natural skin tones and preferences.Single or multiple disposable needles are used for the procedure. There is little or no pain and treating eyebrows will feel no more painful than having them tweezed on the ‘first pass’ and from then on the procedure is virtually painless.

LASTS The nature of the pigments and the depth to which they are infused means that fading will occur over time. The colour appears a little darker for the first few days but soon lightens and a re-touch is usually necessary after one to three months to achieve the perfect result. A colour boost every 12 to 18 months is advised.

£££ From £400.

See before and after case study for semi-permanent make-up

Find a Karen Betts consultant at or call 0845 644 3994.


By plastic surgeon Mr Paul Banwell

WHAT Botox can erase lines and wrinkles, improve facial contour and improve eye shape in a matter of days. Refreshing the brow area can be achieved easily whilst maintaining a natural, harmonious look. However, some patients are worried about being ‘frozen’. This is where the term ‘baby Botox’ has now been introduced so patients can ask their plastic surgeon for a smaller dose for a softer effect.

DOWNSIDE Botox can be injected into the forehead and between the eyebrows to remove wrinkles there but whilst it is effective, it can also create a side effect of an overly arched eyebrow which can make the person look angry: this ‘Botox brow’ is a a telltale sign of an inexperienced or heavy-handed practitioner.

WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW The satisfaction rate with Botox is extremely high but it may take seven to fourteen days for the full effect which lasts for three to six months.

RISKS These include bruising at the injection site or temporary drooping eyelids when Botox is administered by inexperienced practitioners. Allergic reactions are very rare. A change in your facial expression can occur so I would recommend seeing a practitioner who understands facial anatomy for an expert opinion. See for further information.

£££ £195-450.

Mr Paul Banwell is based in Kent and Sussex. Tel: 0845 468 0044


By plastic surgeon Mr John Pereira

WHAT If a heavy brow results in a tired or masculine look it may leave the upper eyelids heavy, and even resting on your eyelashes. A surgical brow lift can freshen the eyes, creating a more awake look. Involuntary lifting of the eyebrows to improve the appearance of the eyes can result in forehead wrinkles and women often consider Botox as the answer, but the consequence can be low, flat eyebrows and heaviness in the upper eyelids.

WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW Traditional brow lifts were performed with large scars across the scalp but modern procedures are called endoscopic brow lifts where they use keyhole incisions in the hairline. This also comes with a reduced risks of side effects such as altered feeling in the scalp. Other risks include asymmetry and temporary thinning of the hair around the incision. It is usually performed under general anaesthetic and is not suitable for those with a very high forehead.

RECOVERY Seven to ten days.

£££ From £3000.

See before and after case study of a brow lift

Mr John Pereira is based in Kent and Sussex. Tel: 07526 223 933